peyton gee

design media art & cat enthusiast

SALAM is a series of 3 illustrated posters featured in @flyers_for_falastin to raise awareness of the tragic events occurring in Palestine.
beyond the known world03–17–2023
beyond the known world is a book created with cyanotype, photography, sketches & pieces of the ocean diving into to its marine life; crying and grieving the loss of its flesh and blood from human toils. it is an acknowledgement to those who find comfort and strength, reborn at sea.

PEYTON’S WORLD09–24–2024
PEYTON'S WORLD is a mixed media piece using adobe photoshop and after effects to create a personal world inspired by what I like including music, fashion, pink, plushies, and sonny angels.
SOLARE is an app designed for keeping track of your schedule. designed for seamless organization and productivity. 

my room

my room, is a multimedia sketch of my bedroom inspired by @maeziii on instagram. 

exploring the concept of the negative emotions and distorted image surrounding the body from the constant noise of diet culture— a pervasive belief that appearance and body shape are more important than physical, psychological, and general well-being through photography.

soundness of mind04–24–2019
using photography and typography to focus more into the study of the conditions of our existence, capturing the essence of one’s innermost thoughts and struggles.
©2025 peyton gee
Consectetur 02026